Scholastic Opera Tour (Spring 2024)

The Scholastic Opera Tour will be returning from the pandemic hiatus in the Spring of 2024 with The Owl and the Tree and Me by Dick Hill!

The Owl and the Tree and Me:

This Opera follows a girl who owns a beautiful forest where she goes to visit her friends the owl and the tree. But her forest is threatened by the Greedy Guys who want to cut down the forest to make money. Join Cimarron Opera for this story about protecting the natural world. This story is appropriate for K-5 audiences.

The Scholastic Opera Tour visits elementary schools and libraries, to bring the joy of opera to children in Oklahoma. The tour is free of charge for schools that classify as Title 1 schools. For non Title 1 schools, libraries and other community organizations contact Natasha Naik about performance rates:

Fill out the form below to request a performance for your school. For questions and concerns contact Natasha Naik: